Books That Will Change Your Financial Mindset

Finances feel like a game that you feel like you have no directions to. Lucky for us we have cheats! There are countless individuals who have “cracked the code” to the financial world.

Read these books to change your financial mindset.

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the Richest Man in Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon is a great way to challenge your mindset around money. It is narrated as a story that holds your attention to the end of the book. 

It is an oldie but goodie. The concepts are easy to follow and interesting. A great option for audiobooks. The fundamental principles discussed in this book are just as relevant today as they were in ancient Babylonian times. Some things never change.

I will Teach you to be rich

I Will Teach You To Be Rich is unapologetically honest about money, what is holding you back and what to do about it. Ramit is bold and just what you need to hear if you do not know where or how to start your financial journey. Nothing in this book is off the table from credit card hacks, credit building, negotiation tactics to savings, investing, automation and everywhere in between.

This book can be intense and I would encourage those who read to be engaged with the content. Have pen and paper near by. I am positive you will want to take notes. 

the 4-hour workweek

The 4-Hour Workweek was mind-blowing. It challenges everything you think about money. The book helps set the stage for success no matter what your profession is. This book rewires your brain about what success looks like.

Could you imagine working from anywhere? Automating many parts of your life you would care to not participate in. Would you entertain the thought of a premature retirement? Timothy Ferriss does and he explains how he got there.

This book is incredibly inspiring and deserves a spot on your financial must-read list.

the millionaire next door

The Millionaire Next Door discusses the characteristics of affluent individuals. It debunks common misconceptions regarding money, consumer traits, and wealth. This is an eye opening book and focuses on first generation millionaires and how they became successful. In addition, the book discusses how people get stuck in the consumer cycle and why they continue to live there. 

the psychology of money

The Psychology of Money breaks down you money scripts and how they control your action regarding money. A quick read packed with invaluable information that could shape you financial future. 

You do not need to like charts, numbers or investment to enjoy this book.

Financial success is a memorizing dream for many. These book have the power to help you understand you financial situation and shape your financial future. You are the only person who can change your habits. 

Happy learning! 

Let me know in the comments if you read or have already read any of the books that are recommended. What did you think? Did I miss one that you feel should be on this list?

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